

Symptoms of disease

Usually, the first question a doctor asks when one visits for an affliction concerns the symptoms of the sickness. Hopefully, the symptoms will lead to the problem and from there a solution.

1. People don't like to come to church.
2. People are bored when they do come and need an "exciting" preacher to make it intesting.
3. People need a plethora of programs so that they might not have need of the outside world. (modern day monasteries)

There are two ways in which the modern Western church meets these symptoms:

1. The programs and fellowship time revolve around keeping everyone entertained. Knowledged might be shared, but its rarely new or particularly deep.

2. Keeping people invovled so that they feel the need to come back again and again.

Why do we need a plethora of programs and projects in our churches to keep people interested. Could the spawn of these be linked to basic apathy of what the original intent was? If we preach the gospel and it is unaccepted they why do we try to keep people unintesested involved.

Is this not a drain? Allowing people to come back of their own volition allows for the very basic necessity of free will and determined choice.

Here's the crux: by constantly calling, inviting, and befriending we violate the very scripture itself when we re-witness to people who have already heard the gospel. It is because we are doing the choosing and not allowing God to make the call.

"Ye have not chosen Me, but I HAVE CHOSEN YOU…" (John 15:16)

Over and over again, the Bible tells that we can't choose ourselves. How then can another choose us?


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