

Inspired, but only 600 years ago

A friend and I have been debating back and forth about whether or not the story of Lazarus and Rich man is a parable. He stands upon the foundation of modern theology, but I have taken a different route. I think there are major problems with the King James translation as well as many of the newer ones.

It started with a single verse. I noticed that the verse disagreed with other similar verses in the Bible. So I went to other translations as well as the Greek and Hebrew and found that because our modern English has changed since the King James English, the meaning had been turned to read the opposite of what it was meant to say.

The modern Christian movement believes that the Bible is inspired, but also maintain that many of the newer translations are in error. Why were the KJV translators inspired, but our modern translators simply wrong for even trying to do better? The men of 1611 were no more inpired than our own modern translators.

This means that we can't trust any translations on it's own merit. If there is a question of meaning then research must be done, documents consulted, researchers discussed, prayer must be had and only then can we reach a conclusion.

The truth is that no matter how highly we think of the men of the past or of the present, even those people were esteem highly in our life, we must study scripture ourselves so that we know what is true.


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